
Read the Bible?!

If you really want to know how to defend your faith, read the Bible. I’m surprised and a little sad that I rarely see anyone use the Bible as their ultimate source when they determine what they believe. It may be because nobody reads their Bible? I’m not exactly sure. Reading other books by wise people is great. But if you ignore the Bible to do so, you’re kind of missing the entire point.

So go read it!


*goes off to do so*


Read the Bible?!

If you really want to know how to defend your faith, read the Bible. I’m surprised and a little sad that I rarely see anyone use the Bible as their ultimate source when the determine what they believe. It may be because nobody reads their Bible? I’m not exactly sure. Reading other books by wise people is great. But if you ignore the Bible to do so, you’re kind of missing the entire point.

So go read it!


*goes off to do so*


Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful for soap. And lotion. Both great stuff. For sure…

Tired… Zzzzz.


Christmas Is Coming

Yay! I enjoy the holidays. It’s a wonderful time with family and friends. There are alot of warm memories throughout November and December. And when we focus those times on Christ I think they become much better.



If you want to be awake and functional in the morning, go to bed and get decent sleep.

Do I follow my own advice?

No… <_<


Balance of Fear and Love

One thing that I’ve been reminded of recently is the balance of fear and love. As I read through the Bible I notice that virtually every Psalm/Sermon on the Mount/etc show the balance of fear and love. It shows how great God is and his power to destroy the wicked. But then it continually brings you back to his grace and love for the righteous.

I can see it being a hard balance for teaching elders/everybody to keep in mind. Balancing between the hell fire and brimstone preacher/the cushy God loves you and is harmless messages seems to be difficult. Most of us do things in a very unbalanced manner. We’re flipping over here, doing this, doing that, etc. But you can’t ignore one or the other because you can see from the example Scripture gives we are given a balance of both.

As one of the elders in church put it, when you rule with a fist of fear in your family you will get obedience. You won’t get an inward wanting or obedience to do it, but you’ll get an external shell. I.e. I think much of fundamentalism/mennonites/etc is built on the externals. But what gets you to honor your parents long term and in your heart, it’s love. We do things because we love. Not necessarily our choice, but we will follow because we love.

In the same way, in our relationship with God we generally turn from our sin because of our fear of hell and the destruction and judgment promised in the Word. But that doesn’t keep us. Ultimately, we’ll obey consistently because we love Him and His rules and laws.


New Blog Url ^_^

Check out the new website – Feel free to start migrating over there. ^_^ I’ll keep posting to both, but this cuts down on most of the typing out my long blog url that no one can remember… <_<


Sunday Scriptures

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1


Who Are You?

Evaluate yourself once in awhile. Who are you? What are you becoming? Where is the path you are taking going? Why did you take that fork in the road? Why did you say that rude thing to someone? Why did you avoid that conversation? Why didn’t you eat dessert? Are you growing closer to Christ or farther away?

Questions are good things, especially to ask of yourself. ^_^


Thankful Friday

Today I’m thankful for my family. Sometimes you don’t realize what you have till it went on vacation to Florida. ;-(