
Friends – Day 5

You’ll have many friends over your life. Possibly a few really good friends. Someday we’ll find someone to be our best friend to spend the rest of our lives with. (Unless of course you already have. πŸ˜€ )

But, in the end only Christ is the one we can truly depend on and will help us through and with all our other friendships we have.

Haha, 12 minutes of breathing room.


Beauty – Day 4

My laptop screen is dead.. Yargh!

Psa 29:2 Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

Holiness is a beautiful thing. People who put a major emphasis on external beauty and not their spiritual beauty are trying to put makeup on themselves while they’re bleeding to death.

Something I’m curious about is, why is this physical beauty so important? I think it’s because it’s our God. Clothing, makeup, accessories, etc can be overly important in our lives because the stuff we have is our God. (I’m sure there are other reasons as well.) We feel that if one is more beautiful, they will have more things and a better life. But, it just doesn’t work out that way. At some point, say bye to the good looks and you become wrinkled and hunched over and then that’s when a truly beautiful spiritually healthy person blossoms and shines. Plus, you’re going to die at some point so your stuff isn’t going to help you either.

But, we can’t be gnostic here. We can’t separate these issues completely. Taking care of yourself in a physical sense (i.e. cleanliness, exercise, wearing clothes that match, etc.) are important. I mean, face it a guy/girl isn’t going to want to marry someone who doesn’t take care of themselves. (Okay, I know there are “special” people out there for other “special” people, but that’s going to be an exception.) It has to do some with character. If you’re overweight (and it’s not some genetic/disease symptom) it’s going to say something like this person loves food, doesn’t take care for their body through exercise. And, maybe it’s true maybe it isn’t but that’s the message that’s being communicated. Plus, guys aren’t going to be completely utilitarian. There’s still physical attraction and maybe putting makeup on is going to help people see past your physical blemishes and meet the real you without being put off by your appearance. But, do you want to attract someone who’s just attracted to you because of your makeup?

It comes down to a balance. Everybody’s going to have a slightly different balance in life.

We’re being told things constantly through the media, advertisements, people, and peers. Compare what you’re told through God’s Word and He will direct your path in all things.


Beauty – Day 3

In a culture where every woman/man in film and advertising is airbrushed and photoshopped to look like perfection it’s easy to fall into the trap of being unsatisfied with your body, especially as a woman. When we’re so steeped in a culture that says beauty is perfect cheekbones, someone who fits a size 0, and blah, blah, blah it’s easy to fall into this wanting a perfect body as defined by the media. In the time that we live, many people have a distorted view of seeing beauty as a skin deep thing. But, looks fade quickly and the lipstick, foundation, etc. is only going to keep the wrinkles away for so long. At some point we have to come to recognize the fact that beauty is of the heart. Sure, a physical beauty is a good thing, and just as God dressed Israel in beautiful clothing and jewelry there’s some value to physical beauty. But at the point where beauty is all seen as an outer beauty and not as honoring God with the temple that he gave you its going down the wrong track…

I’ll continue this tomorrow, otherwise I’m going to run out of stuff to write by the end of the year. πŸ˜‰


Time Ticks On – Day 2

Time doesn’t wait on you. Every second is precious. Your life, in this world, could end now or in 50 years. Are you taking care of the time that you’ve been given? My cousin Steve wasn’t given as much time on this earth as many of us. But, he was a godly man who affected many. By his example of sweet love for the Lord he affected many.

What would be said of you if you were to die today?


New Years Resolutions – Day 1

Now is the traditional time to make our goals.

Of course me being a procrastinator I’m posting this 20 days later. ^_^ *pats self on the back*

I’m amazed at how we make such a big deal about making goals during the New Year. But, then expect to fail at them.

I know several people who say they dread January 1st because then the gym fills up and machines are hard to get at. But, not to worry because by March they’ll all be empty again..

A goal is part of building a vision for your life. It’s how you’re going to go about accomplishing that vision for your life over the next 80 years.

To be successful you’ll need goals, but more importantly follow through on them.

My goals:

1. Post about New Years Resolutions 19-20 days too late.. *check*
2. Post every day for the next year.


The Question

Time froze.

He sat there looking at all his friends. As they stood in their little groups and laughed together. They looked so happy. They’re lives looked so beautiful. But, as he sat there people began to disappear before his eyes. Like a ghost they turned to dust and floated away. He looked toward the door and yet more people walked in. They drew into circles again and laughed and talked. Then he looked to another side of the room and there was a circle of people that had just broken up. They looked angry. He could overhear words filled with anger about things like carpet and orange juice. Then he saw some of them disappear. Then he saw one man slowly fading. He was there, but he was slowly disappearing into the fog.

The man sat quietly and sadly looked down. Here was his life. These people were his friends. But what are friends? Friends become distant. Time passes and horns grow on others. The hate for one another kindles slowly. He felt sadness. He couldn’t tell if he was the one. Was I the cause for the anger and the strife and the goodbyes? He never wanted to say goodbye but people left. “What have I done to wrong them,” he cried in his heart. The pain agonizes him. Every person he sees disappear from his world is like his heart is being wrenched to pieces.

The man groaned in sadness. He got up to talk to his friends. But they didn’t appreciate his love for blue butterflies because they loved red butterflies and left him angrily. He sadly sat down again. He could hear them talking about him, but couldn’t hear the words distinctly as they left the room. He didn’t know what to say or how to say it. No matter what he said hurt him or others around him.

As his life went on he saw the hopelessness of depending on friends. They cheated him and left him.

Nearing the end of his life the man looked around and saw very few people left. But he always questioned their love. He had become a hardened old cynic. Then, all around him began to fade as a light began to pulsate through the room. A man in a white garment entered the room. This man had a light and a smile to him that he had never seen before. His hands looked as if they had been pierced through and through. And he felt as if they had been pierced for him. This shining man looked at him and smiled and said, “Greater love hath no man than this, then that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

At this the man couldn’t contain himself and tears flowed down his face. Too much had he cared all his life that those around him love him. Instead of laying down his life, instead he had wanted to be pleased and taken care of. Instead of moving on when he was offended instead he should have allowed himself to be trodden on and love them more. And then he felt peace.


This has really been on my heart lately. It’s so difficult for me when friends who you used to know disappear and sometimes you don’t know why they’re gone. It’s hard for me because I had trouble seeing the hope in continuing relationships. Just seeing all the divorce, the hate that children have for their parents, and the ever wide open front and back door of church, I had and still have the tendency to see hopelessness in relationships. But, at the same time I see how life isn’t perfect and I know that I’m not perfect and am probably the one who does alot of the offending. Plus, other people aren’t perfect. I think it’s helped me to realize that I need to obey God and not worry about what others are doing, whether it be right or wrong.

At times I’ve wanted to close myself into my shell and never let myself be hurt. But, Christ is the perfect example. He laid down his life for the very people who put him on the cross.

So going into this life I am going to seek to strive to love God and love others more. The question is, “what can I do to serve today? What nails can I take?”

Love in Christ,


Sin of the Internet – Pornography

This post kind of follows the previous one.

Even as I sit here typing into my computer edifying words(I hope), in 5-10 letters you could just as easily fill your mind with filth.


The streets were full of them. They were there, so close. They looked perfect in their airbrushed similitude. He turned his head quickly and moved to the other side of the street. He could literally feel the grime between his fingers. The seduction from all around. It felt like there were thousands of them. He dashed into a store to escape them, but even as he ran in he saw racks of magazines with inappropriate images. Finally without hesitation he closed his browser, pushed back from the computer, and breathed a sigh of relief.

With power comes responsibility. The age of the internet. The power to find out anything in seconds. The power to see what your friends are doing, even from the other side of the world. We no longer have to go search through books or the dictionary to find things out. Instead we can find whatever we need at the click of a button. But then you flip to the other side of the coin and you see how you now have access to the brothels of the internet. Just one click to ruin your mind.

I’ve heard people reference that if we didn’t have the internet it would be much better. But, in the end just getting rid of something isn’t going to solve this, shall I call it what it is, epidemic.

According to several surveys the influence of pornography on young people is drastically high. Some 90%* of young adults have been exposed to it over the internet.

For such a major problem I am kind of surprised at how little there is out there addressing it. To some extent I think the problem gets shoved under the rug because it’s not a comfortable topic to talk about. Certainly we shouldn’t spend so much of our time talking about it that it’s no longer edifying. But, it should be addressed.

The Proverbs 7 woman is plastered all over the magazines, the internet, the television, and even on street corners. And yes she has a false beauty about her. And many young men follow after her to the slaughter. Just as an ox goes to the slaughter so most young men go.

Maybe you say, “I’m strong, I have a will strong enough to deny my urges”. I am able to resist temptation, I’ll be fine. Proverbs 7:26: “For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.”

In the end, pornography is that start of the descent into hell. Proverbs 7:27: “Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.” The time is now to get your mind out of the trash bin and start dwelling on pure and lovely things.

There’s a reason that many, many children leave the faith just 1-2 years after beginning college. They become totally unaccountable and live in their apartment all alone. Their mind, when not studying, becomes idle and wanders down into the depths of hell to scuffle around down there. And, they can even be encouraged by their peers.

It’s easy to say don’t fall into pornography. But, if you’re headed down that road, you have to do something differently.

I believe the most important application in today’s anonymous and unaccountable age is to STOP being anonymous and unaccountable. So get accountable. There are programs today that you can get to make you more accountable. (i.e. Safe eyes, Covenant eyes, firewalls, etc.) But, you need to want it. Your parents, spouses, or siblings may try to help you with putting up fences such as filters and such. Maybe they’ll turn the magazines around to help you hide your eyes from the lingerie models on the front covers. But, in the end there’s always a way that the sinful heart of man is going to find a way around the fences.

Also, get accountable with your elders, parents, spouse, etc… The fight against pornography is one of the ones that you need to have help with. First of all, get rid of your pride and confess your sin. Maybe you don’t struggle with it in the physical form. But, if your mind is in the gutter eventually your actions will follow.

Another thought is that sometimes you just need to get rid of the sources of your problems. I remember the scene from a movie called “Fireproof” where at one point the main character beats on his computer with a bat to get rid of the temptation in his home.

Fourth, remember your body isn’t yours. 1 Corinthians 7:4: “The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.”

Fifth, get busy. When a man is sitting at home twiddling his thumbs he’s just asking to be destroyed. “The idle mind is the devil’s playground.” The internet can be a good way to be idle. If you’re spending all day watching youtube or surfing the internet you’re letting your mind go idle. One thought is whenever you go on the internet make a task list. Get in and out quickly. Don’t spend your time browsing the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

Finally, read God’s Word and listen to it through the preaching of the Word. When your heart is wandering around the plains of wickedness you won’t want to dwell on the Word of God. But, instead focus on God and get your mind out of the sewer. Love those around you more and stop hiding in your unaccountable anonymous word.

Any other thoughts on this issue? I would be really interested to hear anyone else’s thoughts. πŸ™‚

*Top Ten Reviews


The Tower

It looks as if it goes up forever. There must be at least 100+ stories. The glass and chrome all spotless and perfect. And yet there isn’t just one of these towers there are hundreds around me. So much money and power. Even the sidewalks are painted gold.

Then I turn around and look again at the church. A small building on the top of a hill. Not large and flashy like the buildings I see in front of me. But, there’s a stately quietness that exudes from the church.

And then I turn again and look below the buildings and see a street full of people who are drunk rolling in the streets. I see some pop artist banging her head against a wall. I see the women on the streets wearing close to nothing standing on street corners.

Then I turn toward the church and walk in the doors.

Most teenagers today grow up and become part of the world. A fairly recent study by the Southern baptists say that around 80% of children leave the faith by the end of college. As children they are taught that money is more important then God. Then their parents teach them that it’s okay to date and follow the world’s method. β€œSure, tempt yourself just don’t fall for the temptation….”

Don’t just accept ideas and concepts that the world tell to you. Sure, maybe in their inconsistencies they’ve gotten something right but don’t accept what they offer. The pleasure of the moment passes quickly.

I understand that the church isn’t an idyllic place of peace. And most of my posts tend to talk about disunity and tension in relationships. But, we have to understand that Jesus is the prince of peace. If we depend upon him we will receive the grace of Christ. And so much more so in the bride of Christ.


One Moment

He stood at the top of the hill. A look of determination on his face. There were people all around him, but it was as if they faded as he looked out on a path full of twists and turns. He stood at a crossroads, and beyond him you could see thousands of roads splitting, turning, and twisting.

He remembered that man who got angry when he made his smoothie wrong. He remembered the wife who had screamed at her children. He remembered the man who grabbed the child’s hand before she was hit by the car. He heard the angry words exchanged between his coworkers years ago.

Each day we have hundreds of decisions to make. We could either repeat the order for our hamburger for the 3rd time nicely. Or we could make a scene. We could roll our eyes at someone or lovingly respect them. People will remember what you said, what you did long after you’ve forgotten them.

And, that includes what we do when we’re alone and others aren’t around to keep us accountable.

As a Christian we are called to show Christ through our example. There will be those who will see and remember what you do. Every word will be held to account in that last day. Every action will be accounted for.

Your life and actions will be there for eternity. Don’t waste it.

When you come to the crossroads look up and walk towards the wicket gate.