
Social Networks – Day 85

Facebook, Linked In, Gmail, Twitter, etc. Today we are so much better connected than we’ve ever been before. We know when our friends are eating breakfast, what they had for breakfast, what they did today, and the articles they read. Wouldn’t this mean we’re closer than we were before all this great technology came out?

Sadly, no. Instead, now we have less time to spend with real people. We spend hours upon hours on these social networking sites connecting with our “friends.” What’s the point of these sites if they’re hurting our actual friendships? Now, in the middle of a conversation we have to interrupt the conversation to observe how many people liked our most recent inspirational quote we posted.

I don’t think social networking is all bad though. It can help us connect with people we haven’t seen in years. If someone moves across the country you can stay in touch and at least have a basic idea of how to pray for that person. People can encourage us through their posts and words of encouragement. You can exchange prayer requests. You can see your friend’s kids grow up, etc.

Technology can be both that blessing and a curse. It takes wisdom to use it. You need to use it, don’t allow it to use you.

Picture of the day #85:

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