
Thankful Thursday – Day 184

Well, I just noticed that I’m more than halfway done with my little personal challenge.Yay!

I’m thankful for the ability to do things. I’m thankful for the ability to type, to talk, to run, to give Xs and Os, to eat, to enjoy the taste of chocolate, to be able to see the beautiful sky, to be able to hear the sound of a brook, to smell flowers in a bouquet, and to read. I’m extremely blessed.

What are you thankful for today?

P.S. Thanks to those of you who read my random/short/nonsensical posting. You all are a blessing.


Breathing – Day 183

You breath in, you breath out. Very simple. You almost never think about it, yet it’s just another very needed blessing from God.


Thoughtful Tuesday – Day 182

Sometimes I think I over think things. I think so hard that I forget that I have to do. It’s quite an odd thing. I think so that I can do but never get around to doing.


Merry Monday – Day 181

“I always advise people never to give advice.” ~ P.G. Wodehouse


Sunday Verse – Day 180

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:6-7


Purify – Day 179

Purity is refreshing to see. It’s honestly hard to find in today’s day and age. When most adults today have lived in a fornicating relationship sometime in their lives, and the rest having browsed through the porn of the internet I think I sometimes forget what it looks like. When you watch any movie, television show, youtube videos, etc. there is a constant encouragement to live in a sinful manner. The good guy of today’s movies is the one who is only an adulterer, the other guy is a murderer and for some reason that makes him worse than the adulterer? Okay.. 
I’ve struggled with temptations and still do. I’m thankful for parents, peers, and other elders who love me enough to keep me accountable. But ultimately if one wants to live an impure lifestyle they can. They can go live in a fornicating relationship, hack around accountability software, etc. Others can try to help you but ultimately it’s in your ball park.
There are two things that have been really important to me in the battle against the flesh. Number one, staying in God’s Word and crying out to him for forgiveness and help. I’ don’t know why I’m surprised by it, but staying in God’s Word has been one of the best things. When I’m keeping my mind out of the gutter and in God’s Word and doing everything I do for His glory, the fight is much easier. Number two, staying busy is also big. Having my schedule put together so that I wake up with something to do and feel exhausted by the end of the day.
We’re in a battle. We’re fighting against our flesh, the world, and the devil.  We can’t just ignore the fact that people struggle and sometimes fall. But we should be willing to help drag their face out of the mud and push them forward. I think instead of passing judgement we should genuinely care about and love people and pray for them, give them advice, and be there for them. People will struggle with a million things over their lifetime. Your friends are going to fail you. They’re going to fall. But don’t give up on them. God is mighty and powerful and can turn anyone around.
Have a blessed Sunday. ^_^

Friendship Friday – Day 178

 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. ~ Proverbs 27:17


Fog – Day 177

I can’t see. Looking through the mist all around me I’m mystified by how little I can see, but I know so much is out there. I run faster to escape the fog. Panic sets in and I run frantically through the trees. I tear my clothes on the gnarly brambles in my haste. I wonder where to go. Where am I? Am I lost? It all looks the same. Was I here before? It all looks the same. Then I look up. The sunshine embraces my face and I feel the panic leave me, just like the darkness runs before the sunlight. I look back down around me and the fog is moving away quickly and quietly.

It’s easy to get lost in the fog of life. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”~ Psalm 119:105

And I must say that today I’m thankful for the Word of God. I’m amazed at how not reading my Word for just one day can destroy me. The Word addresses every situation of life. I receive encouragement, reproof, wisdom, and oh so much more. I’m beyond grateful that God gave us his Word. 

Faith :-) – Day 176

Augh! So many different things to do. So much to think of for the next couple of years. So much uncertainty. So much that requires faith. It’s not about worrying where our next meal comes from, what we will do our gifts, who we will marry, where we will be in the next 10 years, etc.

We serve a great God who loves us and takes care of us.


Schedule?! – Day 175

Why is it that I’m 5x more efficient when I schedule out my days and yet I don’t take 10 minutes to schedule it all out? o.0