
Valentine’s Day – Day 27

A day with hearts, chocolate, champagne, roses, and most importantly that special someone. It’s a day where love is in the air..

Great! I’m glad there’s a day of the year that people are able to focus on the romance in their relationship. But Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was romance/love. It’s the doing the dishes, the cleaning the house, finding the time to spend with one another when the household is full of a bunch of children under 10, and the being together as a team that builds up a good romance. It’s when one isn’t giving 100% of themselves to the other that romance dies.

The world portrays the flashy/flirty moments before marriage and the moments where a man hooks up with some woman at some bar as romantic. But it’s not. True romance is growing closer each day over 50 years and laying down your life. It’s not so glamorous, but it’s oh so much more beautiful.

Picture of the day:


TGIF – Day 24

Bam. Here comes the weekend. It’s time to party, get drunk, have a hangover, and brag about it next week at work.

Okay, okay I get that of the people who read this blog, nobody (okay maybe… somebody) is going to fit in the above mentioned category. But still, why are we so thankful for Friday? Is it because we don’t have to work for the next two days? Or is it because we’re tired of working for the man and go do something else? It really seems like it could stem from an ungrateful spirit for where God has put you in your day to day life, maybe? I don’t know.

Or it could be because you get to spend time with your family and friends. Which is a great reason.

But it does seem to give us this mindset of a 5 day work week instead of working six days and resting the seventh.

Tell me what you think! ^_^

Picture of the day: Okay I didn’t take this… <_<


Online Communication – Day 23



“Where r u?””

I just read an article on how people spend about 7 hours per month on Facebook alone. This may be as much time as some people spend at church per month. On average people with cell phones text 500+ texts per month. They chat, voice chat, etc.

I’m noticing that many people don’t like to talk on their cell phone anymore, but would prefer to text or e-mail. I’ve made probably a little more then 8000 posts to online forums. And it’s interesting how different people can be online compared to who they are in real life. And the internet gives you that ability. You could play an MMORPG and create a muscular, good looking, and tall character online while being a fat, short, and weak kid in your basement. Your facebook can make you appear to be a cool and Godly person posting Bible verses every day and letting everyone know what a saint you are, while at the same time spending time watching porn and cursing your job. James 1:26 “If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.” Are you being real?

The internet has made it easy to ruin people’s reputations overnight or to create a superstar overnight. It’s a powerful form of communication.

We need to be careful what we say. James 3:5 “Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!”

Things come across a lot different over the internet compared to your normal life. People aren’t able to see your facial expressions, your vocal expressions, and your body expressions. One thing that may come across as a joke person to person can be read as being very offensive over the internet.

Take a little time and make sure what you’re saying is “true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

P.S. Haha, posted before 10 pm, gj me. 😛

Picture of the day:


All About You – Day 22

I love myself.

To some extent everyone loves themselves. They feed themselves. They put themselves to sleep. They make sure they’re not cold, hurt, etc.

But relationships aren’t built on loving yourself. I’ve noticed this in my day to day life. When I feel sorry for myself and hide in a hole by myself people ignore me. Who wants to be around a sorry slob who hides under their earbuds and cares about themselves? I get that some people will bridge that gap and sacrifice themselves to talk to people like this. Are you the one reaching out or being reached out to?

In a healthy relationship there’s going to be give and take. One person will pray, love, and help the other when they hurt. And the other way around. I.E. Ephesians 5:33 “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.”

And you know what, life’s never going to be perfectly fair. Sometimes you’re going to have to give more. Christ came down to this earth and gave everything up for us, who will never be able to give him as much as he gave us.

Are you willing to give it all for Christ and others?

Tomorrow: Online Communication

Picture of the day:


Fantasy Land – Day 21

It’s really weird the things I think of day to day…

Today I was thinking of how we don’t live Hollywood lives. We don’t live a life where we wake up one morning broke and lonely and then by that night we have an 8 million dollar house, fought an alien, found the love of our life and had some kiss with a girl in the rain.

Life is far more dull in comparison. Life is about working day to day in a consistent manner. Relationships eb and flow, but rarely to the extent of a movie. Things move much slower. People aren’t quite as perfect or aren’t quite as bad.

But people want to escape into these fantasy lands. Take a look at the top grossing movie of all time “Avatar.” This movie was the ultimate escape.

Why are so many people constantly trying to lose themselves in this fantasy land? It’s because, well without God their lives are pretty lame. You’re not fighting aliens or saving civilizations with your pure brains or muscle. You don’t have Megan Fox as a girlfriend. Instead, you work in some job that promises maybe 40k per year and you look forward to the weekend so you can lose yourself in fantasy land.

When it comes down to it, when you look to God and you have hope for something better things mean a lot more and you don’t have a need to lose yourself in a fantasy land.

Tomorrow: All About You

Picture of the day:


Thinking – Day 20

I find it interesting that sometimes people do one of two things, in our minds, when we’re away from them. Either we create a false persona of them and remember them as better then they were. Or, and more typically, they grow horns and begin to breath fire. Lets hope we’re the ones who are hoping all things of others, and not the other way around. ^_^

Picture of the day: (I took a couple pictures today, but they looked so bad I’ll post a different one. :-P)


Super Bowl – Day 19

Today is the most watched television broadcast of the year. It’s a time spent with friends, family, etc. watching a bunch of guys hit each other. Yay. But it got me to thinking on a totally different topic.

I find it interesting how some people are to live or to die on their television shows. I.E. I must get home to watch my television show. Or they have to watch the super bowl. Or they have to get to a business meeting, even if their sick. They’ll even fight through a snow storm to get to this meeting. And it’s great when I see someone plowing through with such determination to get things like this done.

But then I look at the exact same people and see them skip church just because.. It didn’t fit in their schedule. They stayed up too late watching a movie. They have to watch the Super Bowl tonight. Or maybe they’re at church, but because of that late night movie they watched they’re spending the entire time at church either going back for coffee to stay awake or nodding off between cups. (Of course I don’t think drinking coffee is bad, I’m just trying to make a point.. ;-P)

When preparing for a marathon you’ll eat a lot of carbo-loading types of food the days before. You’ll make sure the few nights before you get good sleep. You’ll warm up, use the bathroom, and stretch before the race. And then throughout the race you’ll be focused and strive hard to do your best. To a certain extent I believe this can apply to the worship of God on a Sunday morning. You’ll get a good night’s sleep so you aren’t struggling the whole time to stay awake. You’ll use the bathroom before so you’re not having to hop up halfway through the sermon. You’ll focus your mind to try to reap the most you can from the Word of God. Etc..

When it comes down to it, my point is just that maybe we should prioritize the things God wants us to prioritize. Sure, sometimes you’re going to get sick and not want to spread the “love” with everyone. Or you have a bunch of young children who need lots of attention. But is it our priority to be at church, or are we looking for an excuse?

I’d be curious to hear other people’s thoughts on this. I’m sure there are lots of other opinions out there.

^_^ – I feel like I’m running out of things to write about… <_< P.S. Yay! Go Packers! 😛 Picture of the day:


Listening – Day 18

As I sit here listening to my sister play the piano it reminds me of how little we listen today. We have a deadline here. We have to get to this banquet. We have to check our e-mail. We have to see the next piece of old ceramic. Do we spend the time to see little children grow up? How about the time to sit outside and listen to the birds chirping early in the morning? Of course we must get things done. But do we enjoy these things? When our car has a flat tire in the morning do we look out and admire the handiwork of God? We’re so hurried in everything that we do, that we forget to worship the one we’re doing it all for.

Picture of the day:


Where – Day 17

Where will you be in 10 years? Who will be your friends? Who will you be?

Picture of the day:


Edification – Day 16


How are you?


People talk a lot. Men talk maybe 12,000 or so words per day and women speak about 25,000 words per day. (I have no idea if these are even close, but some studies agree with this. So I’ll run with it.)

What is being said? Are they edifying words to build up the saints? Or are they words that tear down and destroy?

When you come to the end of the day can you say that you edified people with your speech? You certainly spoke a lot, but did you say a lot? Will others go away encouraged or discouraged?

Picture of the Day: